Colorado Voter ID Survey

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Take the Survey
1. Are you, or anyone in your household, a U.S. Military Veteran?

2. Are you or anyone in your household Hispanic?

3. The Constitution gives the power to declare war to Congress, but Presidents of both parties have used old authorizations for use of military force in conflicts outside their original intent. Do you agree or disagree that Congress should step up and be more involved when and where the US uses its military?

4. You may be aware already that in response to delayed and denied healthcare for our Veterans the 2018 Mission Act was signed into law to allow for community care options. Unfortunately, the VA is not following the standards set forth by that law and denying these options in many cases. Do you believe veterans should have a choice in where they receive their healthcare ensuring that they receive quality and timely care?

5. Inflation is impacting many families in our community, how is it personally impacting you and your family?

6. How would you rate the direction of the economy?