CVA-Colorado Voter Survey

Veterans Speak Up

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Take the Survey
1. Are you or anyone in your household, a United States Military Veteran?  (required)

2. Are you or anyone in your house Hispanic?  (required)

3. Do you or anyone in your household use the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs Health Care Benefits for any or all of their health care coverage?  (required)

4. Do you support the idea that veterans should have the freedom to choose where they receive healthcare, to ensure they receive quality and timely care as promised by the 2018 Mission Act?  (required)

5. Should Congress play a more active role in authorizing the use of military force by the United States, given that past presidents have used old authorizations for conflicts outside their original intent?  (required)

6. Inflation is impacting many families in our community, how is it personally impacting you and your family?  (required)

7. What issue is most important to you?  (required)

8. When you're thinking about the Economy, which statement comes closest to your opinion?  (required)

9. When you're thinking about Healthcare, which of these statements come closest to your opinion?  (required)

10. When you're thinking about Education, which of these statements come closest to your opinion?  (required)

11. Do you think parents need more say so over the curriculum their children are being taught? Or are parents to involved in curriculum and should trust teachers and administrators to decide what children should be taught?  (required)

12. When it comes to education, do you believe that schools have lost sight of their mission of educating kids and are more focused on non-academic issues?  (required)

13. When you are thinking about taxes which of these statements comes closest to your opinion?  (required)

14. Do you believe that businesses need to be paying more in taxes?  (required)

15. Do you believe higher earner should pay more in state taxes?  (required)

16. When thinking about Government spending which of the following comes closest to your opinion?  (required)

17. When it comes to the environment which of the following comes closest to your opinion  (required)

18. Generally speaking do you vote  (required)

19. Thank you for using your voice to better help Concerned Veterans for America. Would you be interested in joining our community and learning more about how you can be involved?  (required)

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